have to do everything again from scratch since my last HD decided to fail. now i'm stuck with w8.1 since my install disk decide to automatically update it.
does anyone know if the ribbon disabler works for 8.1? i dl'd it but it doesn't seem to be working
rate and h8, it definitely needs work
>>6051687look at the sticky. it's got a link to nanami tan and there's a guide there. also, remove the icons from your desktop and the taskbar (not all, just more of them)
>>6051572cool bg. remove the icons (i'm assuming they aren't just temporary) and get a theme? also show us your foobar since you are using it.
>>6051542it's alright. colors all match, not much else to rate.
>>6051537font is ok. like the colors and the bg.
>>6051370multiple clocks. i'd remove one of them. if you kep what i assume is the rainmeter one, maybe make the gray a little bit darker so it's easier to see. interesting bg though, and nice theme, i'm using the same one.
>>6051123>>6051034not much to rate here
>>6050778it's interesting. what is the thing going around the clock? also, i feel like that other info is a bit useless and just clutters. if anything make it shorter and left align it to save some space.
>>6050774get a new rainmeter skin. that one doesn't look very good. also remove some of those widgets like recycle bin, it just clutters.
>>6050279its all stock or worse. the assassin's creed is interesting but it doesn't look very good. install a custom CSS for your 4chan and pick a new theme.