>>6153718Thanks I really appreciate it!
>>6153756That's pretty sick sadly I haven't had the chance to try out Evangelion. I've seen a bit of it on Adult Swim.
>>6153803Thanks man I love spacey papes.
>>6154092Haha thanks man Jinx if my favorite adc by far.
>>6154165That looks really nice and chill One Piece?
>>6154668I love calming nature wallpapers thanks a lot man.
>>6154756That looks sick don't know if I could like there though prefer the country haha.
>>6154868That looks cool what movie is it from if you don't mind me asking.
>>6154872Ahh minimal wallpapers never overdone.
>>6155526Thanks man Whales are always appreciated.
>>6155559Awww yis mothafuckin' bears. Thank brotha!
>>6155825As would I haha.
>>6155935>>6155936I like the actual 18th and sexy one as well thanks man!
>>6156127I love you too man and you're pixel art wallpaper.