Whenever I see a girl like in the OP or something similar I imagine them, suddenly someone busts into the photo shoot and starts gunning people down. The initial jump of suprise, then terror kicks in. She drops her toy gun and cigar and runs to hide under a table. People are screaming, occasionally cut off by a short burst of gunfire as a warm yellow puddle beings to form under her. Then the shooting dies off, happening only every 10 seconds or so when they find someone in their hiding place. She tries to be quiet as the footsteps get closer, but she can't control her breathing because she's absolutely terrified. Suddenly her cover gets kicked over and she scurries across the floor like a rat. "So you like guns do ya?" One of them kicks her over as she crawls. "What's the matter, I thought you were a real tough bitch?" He grabs her by the hair and pulls her head up, which he crouches to meet at eye level. Whore makeup runs down her face as she sniffles and stares wide eyed into his face. He smiles.
*tips fedora*