>>6376030Vaporwave is an aesthetic that can be taken to various degrees of sincerity and seriousness, the degree of which will determine whether you get a funny or serious piece. All are welcome and appreciated, but to be vaporwave they must follow the aesthetic.
That asethetic started and remains primarily concerned with outmoded 80's technology, culture of consumerism, computer and internet, and music. The style however has grown to include 90's internet culture and some cultural nuances, as well as elements of the sadboys movement in the early 2003 and the more recent resurgence, however this is limited and not too too wide spread, hence the codeine references. Vaporwave aesthetic is typically consisted of so called "glitch" art, windows 95 OS graphics, marble busts of ROMAN tooling, and the fetishization of capitalist products and marketing. The sound is always to be considered "understated" but not half hearted in its creation, somewhat repetitive by use of breaks and skips that will repeat the same sequences of the song, and is often uncomfortable for new listeners not familiar with the sound.
I consider myself to be an expert on the genre and the art, I have a burgeoning album collection spanning well over 300 records, though this is somewhat easy as most of it is free.