>Okay chaps, here we go.>>6418810"Just me and the world..." he mused.
>>6418815"And us!" said /WG/
>>6418816Well, isn't that lovely.
>>6418882You know, sometimes you can be a monumental space-arse.
>>6418945What a shame. I might retort, but I'm so profound that it would be lost on your "intellect".
>>6418954Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you!
>>6419035Oh, Jesus, here we go...
>>6419160I've had faith for a long time, you know, faith that ONE DAY we might get an OP who isn't a mincey nigger faggot, but here we are, having words put in our mouths by badly-interpreted and often vague pictures!
>>6419677Wise words, Mahatma.
>>6419684And I thought that we were getting somewhere on your equity stances, but you haven't changed!
>>6420311Hold on for a sec. Seriously, you always get so worked up. Sitting in front of a monitor stack makes you feel like a fuckin' king.
>>6420325Fuck the king, then!
>>6420388Hey, you "constitute" the World, as well!
>>6420455Wait, what? I must've spaced out for a while.
>>6420464Typical. I bet you couldn't be king of the mice if you were a fucking Cat.
>>6420465Excuse me, Svartskalle.
>>6420513>The fuck am I supposed to implement this?>>6420528Sometime's you gotta enjoy the little things in life.
>>6420812I don't have time for that. You know I ball too hard.
>>6420993>Seriously, what the fuck do you want me to do with this many fucking owls?>>6421322You don't ever know when you're out of your depth. Here be monsters, mate.
>>6421734>Fuck you.>>6422640Really? That sounds fuckin' metal.
>>6423331Really? Did you just go all Skeletor on me? Wow. That is really, really gay.
>>6423645Homophobia? Wow, don't burn all of your bridges. You might stand a chance of getting an effeminate one.
>>6423714That's hurtful, /WG/. That hurts.
>>6424392Or even better, Nicolas Cage.
>>6424403You should've left it, you ruined it. Like everything. Call the cops, because IDGAF.