>>6630489"Now, you can argue for ‘trainwreckentertainment’– maybe jazz music, Kandinsky, Metzinger, and Grosz are so awful that they crossed the line into beguiling. Maybe they were‘The Room’ before‘The Room’ existed. But Germans at the time were not shy about heaping hatred on not-’’’’Aryan’’’’’ people. Expressing disgust would have been socially acceptable and even admirable. Whereas calling Oiled-UpWar Hero Posing Goyishly With Innocent but Still Safely Sexy Wife and Blond Infantor whatever ‘kitschy bullshit’ was, you know, a sign you were a degenerate. So not only did Germans love degenerate art, they loved it and REJECTED‘traditional’ art. You don’t go see‘The Room’ but then fail to see your unironic favorite movie.
What I’m trying to say is that fascists, compared to their degenerate cuck counterparts, are not actually good at art (if public opinion is how we are defining ‘good’.)They are, in fact, bad. Their aesthetics are tacky. There is historical precedent here.
If we’re going to play along with your post and associate moral rectitude with good aesthetics as determined by popular opinion and codified standards, I’ll say this and this only: Hitler failed the art school entrance exam. Twice."