>>6634448and one last, because I need to type out a story for this one, for your amusement.
>be 14ish>aviation geek>play every flight sim that I can get my hands on>il2 '46 >discover modding>years later they make an F4>like, F4 Phantom big ass Jet plane, not the F4U Vought prop thrasher with the bent wings>have fun for a while blowing up heinkels from bvr with glorious aimbot-7 missiles>(the coding must've been hell, the game wasn't ever meant to support guided weapons)>anyway, want to try to set up a dogfight against AI>phantoms vs migs, typical 70's scenario>click, click click, right, lets go>derp and forget to set up my own side>spawn in as squad leader of 4 Bf110 >literally 30 years out of production, compared to the 2 F4 for the AI>fug>well lets see how this goes anywa... >wingman vaporized>shid>start turning and wheeling about in my puny prob "fighter">300km/h top speed>F4 comes at me transsonic, literally 4 times as fast as I>barrel roll>kek, AI can't hit for shit at this speed difference>neither can I with my 3cm cannons>the AI would just come in from whatever direction >6o'clock mostly>squeeze off a couple hundred rounds>dat vulcan>which I would dodge>then AI zooms past me and climbs back up to a bazillion meters of altitude with the speed advantage and xboxhueg jet engines>I would have like half a second to recover from my dodge maneuvers and line up the F4 before it gets out of range >my mk108 cannons have like 300m max range before the boolit starts falling straight down>cue 10 or so minutes of AI gun runs on me being basically a stationary target>AI gets bored or something and fucks off 10km above me>limp home>watch replay>kek heartily