Had to unplug my monitor, so using my laptop screen now,
>>6767540Neat. 7/10
>>6767555Can you post that pape please? 7/10
>>6767560Good color choices. 9/10
>>6767563Fonts are terribly inconsistent. 5/10
>>6767610Your colors hurt 4/10
>>6767612Nice css 9/10
>>6767691See above rate
>>6767708Lose the single color pape. Get something with some good colors, and use those colors in your themes. Otherwise, 6/10
>>6767718>filenameYou're right. 3/10
>>6767775>cmusMy nigga 8/10
>>6767783Babby's first rice? 4/10
>>6767818Morning anon
Snowed the other day. Clear but cold and windy here. 8/10
>>6767825Good pape choices. Layout works well with them. 6/10 because stock rainmeter skin.
>>6767897Nicerice.png 9.5/10
>>6767904Not sure how to fix that one. I haven't had that problem. Otherwise, 6/10
>>676790610/10 Nice colors.