migrant from /pol here, I need vaporfags help please!
I need to confirm for an investigation if you guys would consider this vaporwave, or what type of art/videos or if it looks more sinister than just some art & videos. There seems to be elements of vaporwave but then again I am no expert, so I come to you for help. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
t. /pol tard
http://sign69.pagesperso-orange.fr/indexc.htmlhttps://www.eon8.com/forums/topic/54-sign69com/www.sign69.comhttp://worldcorpo.net/http://worldcorpo.net/content/images/images.htmlattached is example of worldcorpo pics
Trigger warning, if you go the the videos, some look super fucked up, not sure what is going on, if its performance art in some, there is definately some degenerate fag in some, ie: piss.
Trigger warning on fatherhood vid.
I am mainly concerned with the pictures and if you guys can see what style they are, when made, any information to point in a direction to look to see who made this stuff.