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Just started playing this game, got it for free with a video card.
Not a fan so far.
>AI with vision to rival Legolas, who can hipfire a mac10 with laser-like accuracy with no bullet drop, from insane distances
>Vehicles that drive like they've got marshmellows for tires
>Attack helis that dont allow for first person view while in the gunner seat, so you can't see your target pretty much ever
>Cringey, phoned-in voice acting
>Cutscene facial animations is Halo 1 tier.
So far, the sniping is pretty satisfying. I really like the weapon modifications, and the size of the map and variation of geography is nice. That I can get a kill from multiple kilometers away, after having to account for distance to target and bullet drop is pretty cool. Wish it would account for wind, but small things.