>>6926556Windows 7 could potentially look good (by good I mean consistent) if the blue orb had a teal color like the one used in the Vista explorer + every folder icon had some teal-glass look.
https://www.vistax64.com/attachments/tutorials/1127d1189316915-personal-user-shell-folders-user_folders-jpgeven regular folders, instead of using a icon that contrasts too much they could do something like:
http://img11.deviantart.net/3780/i/2012/187/a/5/vista__s_green_folders_by_jollygreenjustin-d569iei.jpgAnd then, there's the navigation buttons and min/max/close, I'd love if their formats got switched around (round teal glass orbs for min/max/close and curved blocky teal glass icons for the back/forward buttons like the ones on Netscape 9 but a bit more detailed).
All that of course, wouldn't work out that well because of conflicting design on system programs like the task manager interface.