>>6949122I had a dream about Pokémon last night. I have a love hate relationship with Pokémon; on one hand, I love board games, and I love games that emphasize rules + turn-based gameplay, but Pokémon is just so horrible unbalanced and redundant it's unbelievable. Even though I suppose that's an inevitable consequence of a children's game. But every once in a while I'll pop in the cartridge that some boy gave me when I was like 14 y/o.
In this dream, I was somehow mining pecha berries, which a somehow mistook for an item that was valuable in the game for microtransactions? It's a bit fuzzy, but I basically figured out a way to gain pecha berries via some kind of irl IoT device that looked like a mix between an electric egg beater and a Hitachi, and I was raking said contraption over the blanket of my childhood bed while my nephews watched me from outside my childhood bedroom.
What do you suppose that means?
>>6949407There's nothing wrong with being gay! (!!!)
>>6949818What's the point of a thread where no one's allowed to talk to each other or critique each other? If we separate our pictures from our critiques, then, doesn't that defeat some of the value of an imageboard? And secondly, doesn't that mean we reach the bump limit twice as fast?
>>6950104I've been thinking about that girl from the older days of the Internet when that video of her, at that time a child, having anal sex with that dog and being recorded by her father.
I dunno, it just bothers me. Pedophilia. The moral aspect of it all notwitchstanding, how do they get away with raping their own children? You can't have vaginal sex, because you're going to tear apart the poor girl's cervix and maybe even kill her, thereby; thus, anal sex. But then, I wonder about their doctors. What about their gynaecologist? How does no one notice that? How do those men think that what they're doing is viable in the long-term? Because their kids are inevitably going to resent them regardless.