>>>6993509this. but what do you expect from retards who've never read a book in their lives who think countries poorer than india becoming super powers isn't a big deal.
lets see the wonders of capitalism in india, haiti, latin america, and all of africa. in fact lets see the wonders of capitalism when its legal for their jobs to be sent to thailand to be done for pennies until the people can't even afford to buy what they once made leading to literal economic collapse, a collapse that can't be solved by more austerity since there will be nothing left to cut. they will continue to suck the "free markets" dick and jack off the billionaire global elite and their families, all while shilling for lower and lower minimum wages not realizing they are putting nails in their own coffins.
my favorite is when people claim to be from venezuala, a poor ass country that had all their chips put in an oil industry that just crashed, then when the economy hurts they blame socialism (even though the workers of venezuala don't own the means of production). ignore the failures in capitalist countries, those are normal, but when a dirt poor 3rd world country stops being feudal and tries to embrace socialism its suddenly socialisms fault they aren't the richest country on earth. as if the fact they don't have 20 billionaires and entire population living on 1 penny a day is somehow a bad thing. as if healthcare and owning a stake in your own workplace so you reap what you yourself labor over and you aren't exploited is a bad thing.
only a fucking fool doesn't understand how important it is to be a socialist in 2017, or a very very suicidal cuck. But they will see, communism is inevitable.