[316 / 176 / ?]
Post the best you've got or make some OC
Anything from edgy as fuck nazi shit to something that just screams Western Tradition as long as it's aesthetic its good
Let's get to work boi's
(Also don't take the bait from the Commie Laborwave people they like dick and stealing)
>be you, polack on pol
>cut the fucker out and paste him on new canvas
>duplicate the fucker like 5 times or something
>colorize the layers in a variety of neon colors
>mess with blending mode and opacity while slightly changing the placement of the bottom layers to create the ghost sensation
>use render - fog and neon color the fog
>okay when you have the correct fonts don't just use them in their own layer, but go to create - logo and pick neon
>right what you want and the color and a new thing will be created
>alien encounter
>mistral (the drive font)
Tool: GIMP https://www.gimp.org/
for neon text
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQbJDvcz6wo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
> filters > blur > gaussian blur
>colors > curves > set channel value to ALPHA
>make line more vertical until the text becomes round
>layer >layer to image size
>filters >alpha to logo >neon
>choose color & set effect size to 23 (effect size depends on size of text, more for big text, less for small text)
scan lines (looks like old tvs)
>filters >distort >video
darker scan lines:
>new layer
>bucket fill black entire layer
>filter - distort - erase very other line
(for photoshop version: http://photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/scanlines/scan.html)
That's all you really need to get started. You'll be able to figure out the rest through trial and error.
Post the best you've got or make some OC
Anything from edgy as fuck nazi shit to something that just screams Western Tradition as long as it's aesthetic its good
Let's get to work boi's
(Also don't take the bait from the Commie Laborwave people they like dick and stealing)
>be you, polack on pol
>cut the fucker out and paste him on new canvas
>duplicate the fucker like 5 times or something
>colorize the layers in a variety of neon colors
>mess with blending mode and opacity while slightly changing the placement of the bottom layers to create the ghost sensation
>use render - fog and neon color the fog
>okay when you have the correct fonts don't just use them in their own layer, but go to create - logo and pick neon
>right what you want and the color and a new thing will be created
>alien encounter
>mistral (the drive font)
Tool: GIMP https://www.gimp.org/
for neon text
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQbJDvcz6wo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
> filters > blur > gaussian blur
>colors > curves > set channel value to ALPHA
>make line more vertical until the text becomes round
>layer >layer to image size
>filters >alpha to logo >neon
>choose color & set effect size to 23 (effect size depends on size of text, more for big text, less for small text)
scan lines (looks like old tvs)
>filters >distort >video
darker scan lines:
>new layer
>bucket fill black entire layer
>filter - distort - erase very other line
(for photoshop version: http://photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/scanlines/scan.html)
That's all you really need to get started. You'll be able to figure out the rest through trial and error.