>>7093599Samefag. I get a sizable quarterly bonus, and usually end up taking a chunk of it ($5-$8k) to take my wife shopping in NYC for a few days (Madison / 5th Avenue Type shops).
The terrorist situation is real, it I do trust the NYPD to correctly manage it. However, there are signs that DeBlasio has allowed dogma to dictate ridiculous social justice concerns into how the NYPD approaches the situation, and this bleeds over to how the media covers events as well. This results in a dismissive (“don’t be scared of terror events, they just happen. You’ll have a redneck accidentally shoot you in a white power mass shooting before Mohammed runs you over”) outlook.
This is not an acceptable viewpoint or basis for policy. We see it in Effect in much of Europe. (London in particular, but that could be partially the stiff upper lip mentality) and it results in diminished sympathy for victims and a general malaise and refusal to do better for society. It’ might work for Europe, but it’s not a good look for NYC, which is the heartbeat of the USA (if we like that fact or not). Terrorists should be terrified of New Yorkers, not just terrified of Americans. American acceptance of moderate Islam starts and ends in NYC