>>7117631Adragonis alegendary creature, typically scaled or fire-spewing and withserpentine,reptilianoraviantraits, that features in themythsof many cultures around world. The two most well-known cultural traditions of dragon are:
TheEuropean dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related toBalkansandWestern Asianmythologies. Most are depicted as reptilian creatures with animal-level intelligence, and are uniquely six-limbed (four legs and a separate set of wings).
TheChinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan (namely theJapanese dragon), Korea and otherEast AsianandSouth Asiancountries.Most are depicted as serpentine creatures with above-average intelligence, and arequadrupeds(four legs and wingless).
Awyvern(WEYE-vərn, sometimes spelledwivern) is alegendary creaturewith adragon's head and wings, areptilianbody, two legs, and a tail often ending iyn a diamond- or arrow-shaped tip. A sea-dwelling variant dubbed the sea-wyvern has a fish tail in place of a barbed dragon's tail.
Yeeeeah ... Of course dude... Of course...