>>7213632I hate Gustav Kimpt and to think that video games are basing their art style off of him pisses me off...................................................................................................................Psychological reason: I went on a horrible date in the summer right after high school. The local museum had a Klimpt exhibit and I brought a girl whom I had a crush on all throughout highschool, but never did a thing about it... until finally I asked out after high school was over, go figure. We saw the exhibit and I barely remember what the pieces were (because he's a shit artist) but I remember sitting at a bench with her and talking about whatever it was and she made fun of the fact that I was a virgin, quite randomly actually. Like it was out of place, so I pretty much ignored it. Later in the date I got a ticket while driving and also while driving I told her that I wanted to kiss her. She went off on a feminist rant about how we should be able to just hang out and "why do we have to make everything sexual? why cant we just hang out as two human beings?" And trust me this was purely ideological crap... I later found out that she was totally into me. It's just that (IN HER FUCKING WORDS) I was too dominant and she comes from a family in which her mom is dominant and her dad is submissive. Anyway that's why I hate Klimpt and his gold flake bullshit and any concept artist that takes inspiration from him is a cunt.