>>7311684>>7311674I'm actually still pretty unclear on what you mean by "subtle" and how you don't want people seeing them on your phone screen. I mean, I totally get what you're saying about being embarrassed by people seeing it on your phone, but what exactly are you looking for?
The one I'm posting now is a good opportunity to give another tip, though:
Once you're done with all of the other edits that you want to make on an image, you can do some really precise sharpening to the most important parts of the image.
Either merge all visible layers OR hit ctrl+shift+E to create a new layer from all visible layers. Make sure that new layer is on top of all others. (Set your view size to 100% at the bottom left for best results.) Then go to Filter>Other>High Pass. Most likely, you'll want to set it somewhere between 1 and 2 strength, but that's up to your taste.
Now go to your layers panel on the right and change your blend mode (the dropdown box above the layers) from Normal to Overlay.
Back to the top menu, hit Layer>Layer Mask>Hide All.
Select the mask that you just applied to the layer, and select your brush tool. Make sure you have pure white selected. (Hit "D" to get to black and white as your foreground/background colors; "X" switches them between one another).
I suggest something like 10-15% flow with 100% opacity.
Now paint that white onto the layer mask in the places you want to sharpen, like the eyes, lips, and, for my taste, the nostrils and armpits (and sometimes things like fingernails, hair, or jewelry.)
In my opinion, this is one of the things turns a good image into a great wallpaper. And... a lot of kpop pics are absolute trash. I don't know why they don't value high image quality, but it seems clear that as an industry, on average, they fucking don't.