>>7376810The people (Fremen) watching are a distraction. You might try one or two (maybe where the larger group on the right are standing). Try making them smaller, perhaps 1/3 current size, to shift the scale & make the worm seem much larger. One person may be sitting or squatting. The darkest parts of the orange in the rock of the foreground might be darker, like very deep, almost black shadow, so the gradient to the lightest orange is more dramatic. The sun is very low on the horizon, so it's very early morning and there will be deep shadows juxtaposed against the burning brightness where light has begun to fall.
Play with the color of the worm and try a bit darker, since the side toward us is away from the sun. The worm might look more like bone or antler with some light coloring tint. Frank Herbert often described them as gray or silver-ish, some kind of off-white. I always imagined them more like a concrete-colored ceramic. Biologically, their outer skin has to be very hard & tough to withstand passing through sand at high speed and deep down. It might even seem slightly translucent and polished from certain angles. Herbert indicated often that these are very tough creatures, very difficult to damage or kill with Dune-modern weapons. He never said what their skin was made of, but it seems like it probably has to be silicon-based, a form of bioceramic, just to withstand its method of travel under & on the sand.