>>7433146Oh they crash allright. The difference between sqare glass and iFruit is that when it crashes, macs have the tools to figure out why and fix the problem itself (most of the time). Wondivs on the other hand, programs just freeze, troubleshooting does absolutely nothing and has never fixed a single problem, gets bluescreen and you have to format to fix it.
I have both and use both frequently, and god damn I love mac OS. It crashed on me the other day after I did some ninja shit in terminal (idk what I did im not a leet hackerman), so I had to reinstall OS to fix problem. All my files and software was untouched and right where I left them, because mac OS understands that you can keep system files in a separate location or partition in case something like that happens. Whereas in windows you get the option to "only install OS" with the describtion "Your personal files will be untouched." and then goes on to delete fucking hours of work just because you didn't put things in their labled user folders. Aaand deletes all your programs and their shitload of plugins - setting you up for moar hours of reinstall on top of the hours of work you lost. YAY PC MASTERBATE