[34 / 12 / ?]
I'm mildly upset about the recent censoring of our threads.
This is simply not fair. This is a NSFW board, it literally contain porn ads. Why can't we have a thread about nice erotic wallpapers? Some people might not enjoy these kind of papes but some of us do, and in my opinion, OP is a great guy for sharing all these awesome wallpapers. (I'm not the guy who created the other threads, but a frequent visitor)
I just had a rough day at work
Today I was the only guy in my team to work despite of being a national holiday
It was a tiring and annoying day of work
I got out of work and I just wanted to relax
I wanted to do something nice
So I came back to /wg/, as I do every once in a while, to check on my favorite thread
And it is prematurely gone
Not even on the archives
Why are you doing this to us?
Why are you doing this to me?
Just let us enjoy our thing, man
Again, some people might not like it, but we do. I enjoy these very much. OP's threads has greatly helped me expand my wallpaper collection, and it makes me very happy to have these on my desktop. Sometimes, that is all I got. Could someone please explain to me why these threads are getting banned for having erotic non-pornographic wallpapers on a NSFW board about wallpapers that even has porn ads?
What is the issue?
We make the thread too many times?
Well, there is a lot of content to share and there is a limited of images per thread
This should not be any news for the mod that keeps banning OP
We are not posting the same things over and over again
Each thread contains several awesome papes that haven't been posted on the previous versions
If the threads were unwanted, they would die off
But they always get posts
So why?
Why are we getting censored so hard?
Is this anything but an arbitrary censoring or a personal vendetta of some bored moderator?
Again, I'm mildly upset about this
This is simply not fair. This is a NSFW board, it literally contain porn ads. Why can't we have a thread about nice erotic wallpapers? Some people might not enjoy these kind of papes but some of us do, and in my opinion, OP is a great guy for sharing all these awesome wallpapers. (I'm not the guy who created the other threads, but a frequent visitor)
I just had a rough day at work
Today I was the only guy in my team to work despite of being a national holiday
It was a tiring and annoying day of work
I got out of work and I just wanted to relax
I wanted to do something nice
So I came back to /wg/, as I do every once in a while, to check on my favorite thread
And it is prematurely gone
Not even on the archives
Why are you doing this to us?
Why are you doing this to me?
Just let us enjoy our thing, man
Again, some people might not like it, but we do. I enjoy these very much. OP's threads has greatly helped me expand my wallpaper collection, and it makes me very happy to have these on my desktop. Sometimes, that is all I got. Could someone please explain to me why these threads are getting banned for having erotic non-pornographic wallpapers on a NSFW board about wallpapers that even has porn ads?
What is the issue?
We make the thread too many times?
Well, there is a lot of content to share and there is a limited of images per thread
This should not be any news for the mod that keeps banning OP
We are not posting the same things over and over again
Each thread contains several awesome papes that haven't been posted on the previous versions
If the threads were unwanted, they would die off
But they always get posts
So why?
Why are we getting censored so hard?
Is this anything but an arbitrary censoring or a personal vendetta of some bored moderator?
Again, I'm mildly upset about this