>>7389651>red fascisma term made up by americans to create a false equivalence between nazi germany and stalinist russia/maoist china because you gotta justify perpetual war somehow. Still, I'm not gonna argue that stalinism or maoism were any good for anyone involved (although Chinas doing alright now. And say what you will about Stalinism, but it achieved industrialisation in the USSR pretty facking quick. Shame about those millions who died though, eh.) because fuck totalitarianism in all its forms but fascism and leftist ideology is still inherently incompatible:
>wanting to make everybody equal/brothersThis is not what fascists want. There is generally a race-based hierarchy with the ruling "race" at the top as well as an authoritarian ruling strata.
>rewarding familiesthere is nothing inherently leftist about "rewarding families"; Leftist economic theory is primarily concerned with the redistribution of wealth from the land-owning classes and bourgeoisie to the working classes and the different types of leftism approach this differently from high taxation on the wealthy and corporations to full on eat-the-rich style purging and "re-education". Im not sure where you think rewarding families enters into the equation but considering more hardcore leftists see "Family" as an extension of a patriarchal dominance over household slaves (familia being the latin for how many slaves a man could own in roman days) so I suspect that a leftist would be more inclined to destroy the family unit rather than reward it.
>fighting against the oppressor to free the people....This is trolling, right? What oppressors do you think the fascists were fighting in the 20th century? Are fighting against now in the 21st century? Ze Jews? Ze international zionist plot to destroy ze vorld? The fascist were fighting the trade unions, the socialists and foremost the communists.
>taxing people for the grater goodTaxing people to pay for the coming wars of conquest you mean.