>>7397841Why are anti-nazis so fucking stupid? That's why "nazism" will never die. Its a cool, and awesome ideology, and the people who oppose it are mentally ill. Indeed, many of the virtues of le "nazism" aren't exclusive to this German ideology. They are human values that everyone EXCEPT leftists losers believe in. This is why, when leftists see these human values, they scream NAZI.
And yet, this same behavior is why no one takes their dumb demonization of Nazi Germany as some great satan seriously. Their narratives are being questioned. The only people who hate Nazi Germany aren't intelligent people, just little left wing losers who screech on /wsg/ and fortunately, you are becoming a little containment zone on this site as the only place that sees this garbage. Nazi haters get mocked even on /his/. Because its juvenile, its a loser who cannot accomplish anything in his life, an insecure failure, who deserves to have his head smashed into the pavement for promoting far left values. If anything, communists nations were more neo-nazi then anything. They idolized the white race, and didn't allow mass immigration, and actively killed off traitors (like you). I mean, communists were the best communist killers in the world. I love that Trotsky got an axe in his head. I love that Russians love Stalin more then Lenin, for good reason. I love that at the end of WW2, guess which party the USSR backed first? It wasn't the Communist Party of Germany, it was the Stasserist Socialist Reich party. Fucking East Germany had more in common with this Germany then modern capitalist Germany. More over, being far left is a legit mental disorder
So shut your mouth, no one wants to listen to losers bashing DA NAZI. Grow up, and listen to that voice inside your head that is telling you, that you are fucking moron. And keep your mouth shut. Your place is not in politics. So don't engage in it.
By the way, are there any wallpapers regarding Chile's Pinochet and Race realism?