All of these have very interesting stories behind them to be quite honest with you familia.
>>7399023That's Narcissus and Echo, they both fell in love with him, she fell in love with his beauty and he fell in love with his looks and voice, which echo mimicked as part of a curse on her to never have a conversation, you can read it in Ovid's Metamorphoses.
>>7400683Saturn is the roman equivalent to Kronos the god of time and harvest, the original rebel against Heaven and the second tyrant defeated by his son, imprisoned in tartarus, it's unclear exactly who he is devouring but it'd be safe to assume it's one of the cyclops or maybe even Pluto.
>>7400745Very often you hear of Icarus, the guy who flew too close to the sun jost for his wax wings to melt and him dying when hitting the water, his father Daedalus managed to fly at the perfect height, not too close to the sun, nor too close to the water that the wings would get wet and heavy, he managed to fly across the seas safely.