>>7431475>>7431413Nobody needs a god, so long as they remain weak. Those with too much power need a god to keep them from corruption. I've been an atheist since about 8 years old, after realizing fear of hell was being used to manipulate me into loyalty to Christianity, and was an devout, and angry proponent of atheism until last year. The hard truth is, life is essentially meaningless, or rather we make our own meaning. However, this also means that if you reason for long enough, nothing is immoral. Those that rise to enough power, begin to feel like they themselves are gods. They turn evil, as they become more selfish and self-centered, they begin to see their fellow men as mere insects, to use and dispose of. Faith in a higher power, helps a little in stopping, or at least slowing down that process.
TL;DR: Keep yourself surrounded by good friends, and good people. And what better person is there to surround yourself with, than the literal idea of perfection, in the form of an imaginary friend.