>>7482913This is an ancient celebration on the winter solstice.
The old sun(-cycle) "dies", and the new sun(-cycle) is born. A new sun, a new fire, rose again from the ashes (they implemented this teaching in christianity as well). That is why "Jesus" is born on winter solstice, and after three days the sun begins to rise again (days become longer again).
This is the core of Heathen teachings. The eternal cycle of the world. The truth that everything comes to an end within the holy trinity of arising - being - ending (trinity was also taken into the christian doctrine. But as most things in christianity; not in the ancient and pure form).
And the ending has a new beginning in itself always. Tyr and Thor are brothers, birth and death, two poles who are one and the same at the end. Because Thor is the gate and Tyr is the door. Still in German "Tür" and "Tor".
The polarity to death is not life. Polarity to death is birth, reincarnation was crucial in all the old Aryan tribes and their cultures. So nothing dies really, because nothing is wasted, everything only transformes into something new.
Only the eternal divine principles (the gods, the runes) remain The various forces of the world that is God.