Always been curious. Why do some use pornographic material as their papes? Are you addicted to porn and are just blissfully ignorant of it? A naked woman, or a scantily clad one even, has always been an uncomfortable thing for me to display to others, whether its artful or intended for masturbation, and I just want to know why someone would constantly have something such as an ass pic, so obviously desired for its lewdness. Is all you seek to think about is ass? When you open your computer, is the main purpose to inspire your lust?
Absolutely no judgement, I actually struggle with porn addiction. This is something, however, that I've never been able to wrap my head around, even when I went to friends'/cousins' rooms and they had sports illustrated posters of bikini girls on walls.
Do you all in this thread understand what that constant stimulation is doing to you? Does it even have an effect on you? All I can assume is based on myself, and it definitely has an effect. I just know I wouldnt want to constantly tempt myself, not to mention put my voice on full, shameless display.