>>7661011>the first four. Make sure to stop after themThis is a really Bad Idea.
Certainly, God Emperor of Dune presents a lot of critical and interesting wrap up to the original trilogy. But the last two books (really, two volumes of one huge book) are essential to really get everything out of Frank Herbert's vision for the entire Dune universe.
I can tell you right now what the ending in the last book is for the entire series, and it will not spoil it for you. The Face Dancers did it.
All six of Frank's original Dune saga need to be read. Take them slowly, savor them, immerse yourself in the detail. There is so much shit going on you really have to pay attention and constantly assimilate all of your knowledge from the entire series and reevaluate and open your mind to the changing perspective.
Then, about two years after you finish them, read them all over again and be amazed at how much you missed the first time through. I've red them all about six times over throughout the years.
Most disappointing, though, is that his son Brian cashed in on the franchise without adding to the genius of the originals. You can skip all his stuff and not be the worse off for it. Or you can casually read through some or all of it and be a completionist. It's sort of like reading the Silmarillion after reading Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. A long trudge with little reward.
But, yeah, read all six of Frank's original Dune saga:
Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
Heretics of Dune
Chapterhouse Dune
I separated those out to group them by their timeframe. There's 10,000 years in those empty lines. You can hate me later or thank me later, but that's the best advice I can give you.