>>7689008>anti democratic rule for borgeoise >give smaller towns and farming communities more electoral weight is bad >California and NY metro niggers get to dictate policies California wanted to drain rivers and reroute them across the nation because gibmedat despite the fact it would collapse the ecosystem there
America is fucking massive, you have deserts that are hot year round, places with intense frost lines, fishing communities, huge ass mountains and forests, having a bunch of retards in cali and New York who don't understand the plite of other states dictate everything is retarded.
Metro retards are liberal because you have no ownership, and that's why retards like you use buzzwords like borgeoise. You'll never be able to buy a house or own land, and a lot of you dont even have cars because you can ride public transportation.
For the vast majority of America they're spread out so land isn't expensive, so they have property. And because it's spread out, their states dont have huge infrastructure for transportation so they all have cars.
You're immensely ignorant and merely want more power in the elites hands; the vast majority of these metro areas are wealthy people and these communities are the way they are because of them.
It's no one's fault but metro retards for living and moving to these areas knowing what it entails.