>>7721532I look forward to your contribution! Thanks for the comment too!
I do want to state now that I think Badukwave can take on a lot of different things but I want to keep its essence to come back to the game in my contributions going forward. This is because the game itself is a very "aesthetic" game. The sound of the stones hitting the board, the board constructed out of a certain kind of wood to make that sound more aesthetically pleasing, as well as the thickness of the Go table (Goban) helping the sound as well. The way we hold the stones to how there are 360 points on the board + 1 (the center point, tengen) all have certain qualities they add. Even the rings of the tree that our often seen on sides of the goban are full of symbolic meaning with the history of Go and how deep this game is. When you improve at Go you begin to catch glimpes of understanding on how deep the game truly is at higher levels. If you multiply our imagination by a million it wouldnt be enough. As I get better at Go, when I look at the board it is like staring into infinity and I countinue to feel the expanisiveness of that in a more distinct way as I move ahead. It is beautiful thing. It can teach you a lot about the world, being and creativity, business, war, patience and even spirituality. It is hard to describe some of the feelings but I can say this, it is by far the most fufilling game to learn out of any game I have ever played. It is whole universe of its own.