>>7745609imagine talking about 'keeping the black man down' when one of the first American slave owners was in fact... black...
funny how all those soppy blm marxists don't go demanding reparations from that particular slave owners descendants... weird how knowledge of that particular slave owner is NEVER discussed in the partisan leftist mainstream & social media...
the only consistent truth is that the marxist/commie-wannabe DNC and their leftist lapdogs in the media, are the ones who've systematically worked to "Keep the black man down" over the decades going all the way back to the time of the slave owners.
all through that long period of time, where the overwhelming majority of the slave owners were Democrat Party supporters, through emancipation kickstarted by Republicans and strongly opposed by Democrats, through the creation of the KKK (by Democrat supporters), and the Jim Crow era, and the Civil Rights movement, and the creation of the welfare state by the Democrat party which they cynically used to break up the one thing that was giving the black American community an increasing advantage over the other ethnic communities, including the white community, namely the strong stable traditional (nuclear) family unit of mother, AND father, AND children.
so no, America isn't anti-communist because of some idiotic notion that Marx was somehow black, because he certainly wasn't, instead America is(was) anti-communist because Americans (used to) believe that their own personal and civil liberties and freedoms shouldn't be held under the control of some totalitarian/authoritarian (communist) government
unfortunately, as was pointed out back in the mid-1980's, the 4-stage process that was the planned communisation of America had already completed stage 1 and was in fact well into stage 2, and now here we are in 2021 finally staring the completion of stage 4 in the face... but as a wise man once said, nobody seems to notice, and nobody seems to care...