>>7770621and here you are, yet another demoralized miseducated soul with no real-world concept of what he's actually talking about...
the key difference is the republicans support LEGAL immigration, where only appropriate and deserving people enter the country, and apply for citizenship, through official LEGAL channels, whereas the demonrats support an entirely open border policy that seeks to allow ANYONE to enter the country by any means including ILLEGALLY and then immediately claim all the rights of citizenship essentially without going through any kind of vetting process; heck most of the tens of thousands of immigrants that have flooded into the US from the south and have since been released into the general public since Biden stupidly threw open the border in January haven't even been so much as covid tested.
because ultimately that's what the demonrats think of their voterbase, and the US public in general, they simply don't give a rats ass about any of you, instead they're actively trying to replace you as their voterbase with all of these illegals because all they do care about is holding onto power by any means necessary and they full well know that as more and more homegrown Demonrat voters wake up and realise what their beloved party are actually doing, those voters are jumping ship one way or another.
but if you want to keep voting for a party that's actively seeking to strip away citizens rights, and turn their nation into a replica of 1970's East Germany, as quickly as they can, you just keep your head buried in the sand and keep right on supporting and voting for those demonrat traitors.