>>7791781Thanks! I did it as part of an album art for a musician, but I liked it so much that I made a wallpaper out of it.
But yeah
Like I said, it's been a good few years since I've done it, but I'll try to recall the workflow.
The scene itself was done in Blender, since I'm mainly a 3d artist, making sure to use toon shading so I could get areas of flat colors without much gradation (though there's still some fiddly bits in the final image). Gradients would break the look.
After that, I brought it into photoshop as a high-res image, converted it into a smart object, and scaled it down, and then scaled it back up using Nearest-neighbor filtering. I think I'm mis-remembering when I converted to a smart object, but scaling down and up with NN is the important bit.
Before scaling it back up to full size, I made sure to go in and clean up the image a bit, and adding details manually. The road-lines reflected on the helmet, and the glare/volumetrics on the headlights. Then you just scale it up to target res with NN filtering.
I think I also replaced the background with a custom dithered one as well, but that's hard to see.
It took a few tries to find the right pixel density when scaling it down, so it might take a few tries to really get the right feel of how much detail you want to lose and keep. I think that's why I had it as a smart object, since it keeps the original file when scaling so it's non-destructive.
Hope that helps!