>>78119784/10 seems like a lot of posturing to me
>>78121893/10 pretty unnecessary, this is a sad attention grab.
>>78122494/10 I like the racks and shelves, but the rest of it doesn't match and ends up making the setup look trashy.
>>78124923/10 just.. depressing.
>>78126346/10 could be a 9 if you organized and cleaned.
>>78131654/10 your set up should not be a personality trait
>>78133402/10 yikes.
>>78135385/10 its just pretty bland.
>>78135576/10 It's kind of cool albeit disorganized.
>>78136899/10 surprisingly great.
>>78137467/10 could be better if you took care of your wires.
>>78148503/10 it's the kind of set up I would expect from a 24 year old who lives with their parents and is dating a high schooler
>>78150265/10 would be a lot better if you ditched the ugly mouse pad, changed your wallpaper to something softer, and removed the LED's.
>>78151486/10 not bad, needs some cleaning, but I like the map.
>>78154604/10 this is what compensating for an unfulfilling life looks like.
>>78155043/10 cloth tapestries and rainbow LED with shitty audio subwoofer. Absolute trash.
>>78155196/10 could be really cozy anon, you could be a Margot Robbie but right now all I'm seeing is Jamie King.
>>78165997/10 there's so much to like here, but why are you building a shrine around your printer and I love MK but those wallpapers do not fit with this setup.
>>78179565/10 Typical "I have money but no personality" set up.
>>78190651/10 did you enjoy your January 6th?
>>78191036/10 more respectable than most here
>>78198044/10 seems like the kind of set up the child molesting little league coach would have in their house.