Quoted By:
I used to love Silver.
I had bullion, coins, bars...
I saved my life savings.. then cartel, my own corrupt terrorist family, then torture, then death treats, getting shot at... then escaping Tamaulipas, then escaping Mexico... In the US, while asking for refuge I got robbed over and over again, living in the streets was hard carrying all that silver, so I had to leave it behhind...
now I own nothing really, I suppose I own this laptop and the 40'' monitor, but other than that, my family is borrowing me what is left of what I though was my property.. they took my paychecks, they took my savings, my collections...
Oddly enough I feel wealthy now, unironically I have God, which feels better than Silver.
He said those who wanted to save their life would lose it and those who are ready to lose it will save their life...
Ironically I have begged God to take me for decades, have committed suicide many times, but I keep surviving, even spiked tires and 4 totaled cars....
Man... I should be dead, so I really do not care about this world anymore, I take solace in the memory of God, this is just the birthing pains of being born next to God once I finally die...
Silver is still beautiful and I would save money in silver, I would inherit silver and gold if I were in a position of material wealth.
Honestly, I tell you this from my hearts of hearts: the shills of Mammon are never happy, they smile, they laugh, and they smirk at you from over their shoulders, but they are NOT HAPPY.
I know pretty happy wealthy people, from old money, what I am trying to say here is:
This board is wealthy, being poor in an Anglo country is pretty much kosher, so I like you saving in Silver...
What I am trying to say is... don't love Metals and Jewels more than your soul.. care for your eternal soul more than you do for your earthly treasures, be fair with others, do not rob (I am looking at you WallSt.)
Say no to Mammon, frens.
Pretty silver tho.