>>7928176People are already heavily controlled by AI and the algorithms that drive it, and look where the world is fast heading as a result... that's right, it's a huge shitstorm that's quickly death-spiraling down the toilet of life.
That's because the algorithms are used to addict people to the AI's own platform, they are used to censor actual truth, they are used to promote certain agendas and ideologies over others, they are used to actively misinform and disinform, they are used to promote division and hatred of people by culture/ethnicity/religion/vax status, they are used to silence dissent, they are used to control information and people and keep them compliant to the ruling class
And best of all 'the people' fully well know the AI and the algorithms are there in the background watching and learning from all of us, we're all constantly being reminded of it by the companies who created the algorithms and AI, and yet 'the people' just don't care; instead just as long as they get their regular fix of group-think confirmation bias, and pointless celebrity gossip, then the people couldn't care less about anything else, and it's all because 'the people' have been addicted.
Don't believe me, turn off your email and all your social media apps, all of them, for 1 month. See how long you last before you're overcome by the maddening urge to check even one of those apps and it has you reaching for your phone/laptop/pc again.
So no, AI's and algorithms are not the answer, but they are part of the problem.