>>7906810Look, it's an obsession. Delete everything, learn to love yourself. You don't have to be arrogant, vein, superiority complex, narcissist, stuck up, or any synonym of those. You just need to build up your own confidence to be alone and still feel horny without any visual stimulus.
About the looking away thing; I sometimes do that, but for a different reason. Some women have this stigma of: "If he doesn't have the balls to come talk to me, he's not worth my time". Well, I think if she doesn't act like a friend, or at least be interested in me, then i'll treat her like she's invisible. It's a psychological waste of time trying to be friends with all of them. Not all of them are good people to be close to. Many of them are manipulators. After all, that gender invented seduction at a time when sexual violence, crime against women, and misogyny was normalized.
So my rule of thumb is; I rather go after women that are less "attractive" than models, so there's less competition, less drama, less mind games, less manipulation, less problems.