sorry for the blurry ass photo. I got the laptop years ago and as much as I want to build myself a proper PC, I just don't have the money or space for it right now.
>>7908511Those plants man...damn, I wish I was halfway decent at taking care of plants; I wanna have a set-up with plants like that so bad..
>>7908564very comfy anon, I like your bookshelf and floor setup.
>>7910022I like your TV setup and the FFXIV mat. Why so close to the garage door though?
>>7910731Nice Berserk pape.
>>7910908Those skateboard shelves are pretty rad.
I could never hang up a lego kit on the wall like that though, I'd be to afraid it'd fall off and shatter.
>>7911242I've wanted to get one of those Ikea hanger-board-things for a while, but I could never think of a good place or use for it. Also, what's up with the film-reel-looking thing?
>>7912660veerrryy comfy. based nerd anon.
>>7916090This is super fucking cool, which makes me suspicious that I'm been punked, somehow. Manga taste is lame but not the worst. Waifu taste is absolute dogshit, however.
>>7916448Like the monitor. comfy and simple.
>>7916575holy shit that pape. really making good use of the monitor there.
>>7916919someone else already mentioned the badass racing chair, so I'll ask about the shapes on the walls. They're supposed to be racetracks, right?
>>7917019chair looks very comfy anon. lamp behind the desk seems eye-searing, though.
>>7917336Nice sticker. I also like your little yostuba. audio setup looks pretty nice too, but I'm not well-versed enough in such things to really discuss it.
>>7918065reminds me of lain. 10/10 I love it but it's just unsettling to look at, somehow.