>>7978919"terf" is just another bullshit woke leftist label designed to divide society into tidy little groups in order to marginalise people and give the leftists some kind of bizarre justification to use physical violence against anyone they disagree with.
In fact as with most identity labels the left often overuses, it now uses 'terf' to describe even non-radical feminists and even actual women who don't describe themselves as 'feminist' but who simply want to try and stand up for womens rights, particularly their rights to safety and privacy in certain situations.
Also as with most labels leftists throw around 'terf' doesn't actually mean anything of any actual value, instead it's just another example of how the radical lefts propensity to overuse labels to categorise everything and everyone into groups will eventually be its undoing as it subdivides everything, including itself, into smaller and smaller, more increasingly marginalised and thus increasingly radicalised groups.
tl;dr the leftists are literally destroying themselves with their own bullshit illogical political ideology, this joyous moment can't happen soon enough
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"neoliberal" is just another term for 'modern liberal' which is, by the standard of its politics, not actually liberal at all but is instead simply yet another branch of left wing (leftist) socialist politics; this is as compared to 'old-school' or 'classical' liberalism which has its politics firmly based to the right of center on the political spectrum.
Leftists try to confuse folks by trying to claim that all liberals are somehow the same, or that so-called neoliberals are somehow capitalist in their political view and have nothing to do with socialist politics, these claims however are an obvious typically leftist deflection tactic which doesn't actually stand up to any even vague scrutiny.
tl;dr globalists = modern liberals = neoliberals = leftists = commie-wannabe champagne anarchist socialists