>>7980399Hold onto it man. Stop and take a breath and look around. Take a moment every couple of weeks to really be in the present. Clear your mind of the media, the bullshit, the news, your group chats, work shit, whatever and just sit there for a moment and take your life in. Whats the air like? How do you feel? Listen to the silence. Try to look at yourself from your own future older eyes for a moment. I know you might feel like you're getting old now, which is how I felt at 27, but i'm telling you you are not. You are still in your twenties. Appreciate it. There is still so much you can do. I didn't even start getting my shit together until about 27 and now I'm doing more than I every thought my sorry ass was ever capable of 10 years later. The majority of your life you will feel old, that's just how it is. Most of us keep on living for another 45-60 years after we turn 30. But you are not old. If I could go back to 27, holy fuck the things I would do. Do not ever let yourself start thinking you're old until your 50s.