>>7987103>moans about provably factually accurate statements being right-wing propaganda, proceeds to quote the extremely woke left-leaning Time magazine as an historically accurate source for their rebuttal...*facepalm*
Talk about being consumed by bullshit...
Also, yes, both parties mostly suck now and are mostly indistinguishable from each other on many levels, and neither are particularly covered in glory historically speaking, but to suggest that the Democrats are in anyway the good guys in all of this civil rights mess is extremely naive to say the least
But let's say for a moment that you're correct, and the Democrats are the ones who've actively and honestly fought for civil rights throughout history; if this is true, why then is every single major city with a large black mostly democrat-voting population now a mostly dangerous, neglected, run down, crime-riddled, disaster zone?
Surely in almost 60 years (in some cases) of continually running some of these long since ruined places successive Democrat politicians would have figured out a way to actually resolve all of the problems plaguing these areas; problems that, prior to the early 1960's, were mostly not problems at all
Because isn't it strange how the black population across the U.S. provably went from majority republican voters in the 1950's, to majority democrat-voters in the 60's, and in the process their community immediately turned from being thriving and successful with stats that outstripped even the white community by some margin across the board, to being a community plagued with decades of continual violence, decay, ruin, poor education, and excessively high rates of abortion, divorce, single parent families, and so on and on and on
That's the thing though, the Democrats don't care about the black community, truth is they never did, instead the Democrats see the black community as a permanent voter underclass of idiots who'll do anything to keep their welfare cheques rolling in