Yes I know picrel is grainy/blurry as all balls, but then it was taken from a moving boat back in early 1975, a couple of years after both towers were finally completed. Note the lack of an antenna on top of 1WTC, which wasn't added until a few years later in 1979.
>>8007984>There's nothing iconic or recognizable about the new WTC, especially not for the skyline.Apart from, you know, the whole thing being even taller than the original and the new building being a square at the base that turns into a diamond at the top whole design thing, and how the ground floor and first few levels above are protected by a (to a certain extent) bomb resistant construction
But sure, I guess it's just another unremarkable tower in a sea of towers (in your mind)
>>8008538Post papes, otherwise take your antisemitism and fuck off to /pol/