>>8048402It is the opposite. In the past, intelligence really mattered for survival of your genetics, at least in places of the world that weren't jungle Africa or Australia etc... Intelligence made you far more successful from an evolutionary perspective. You are are looking at this wrong - you are correct intelligence will make you far more successful in your life and your children's, but in the long form of the overall genetics of the population, simply having more is the best bet for passing on your genes now.
Less intelligent people would not form community that could successfully store up for the winter, invent better irrigation networks, form better governments, thus would be killed by their own lack of foresight, or in warfare with the more intelligent (military strategy, better weaponry).
What exists now that controls their population? NOTHING. Have 10 dumb as shit children as a single mother, modern medical care will save them, give them welfare, and they can start popping out kids in their teens too, process repeats.
Evolution and changing the overall gene pool does not care if you individually are better at life because of you intelligence, the question is, do you have more children than the others, either through mass breeding, child survival, warfare etc...
Modern society has removed this. No childhood disease to kill 50% of all children with weak immune systems (correlating with lower intelligence) or starve because they are too poor for food being low on the socio-economic ladder of being of a large group of idiots.
>Progressive people, with tattoos for example, being liberated and outside of chains of traditions and expectations, will adapt to the new progressive world easier and thus their genes will prevail, as they will breed with more success among themselves.Now I am unsure if you are trolling.