>>8049098reply - part 1 of 2)
Nice, interesting observations. Regarding your questions I have been in contact with the team behind depvana. Firstly, it is a new site and they are very willing to make changes in response to user feedback. However as of now, the following stands. Of cause with reservations for any misunderstandings on my part.
-) Do posts remain up indefinitely? Yes, unless the original poster delete it.
-) Moderation rules? No content moderation from the site administrators. They strive for total free speech. As in all and any speech allowed. However, they are forced to delete stuff if they receive a warrant.
-) Edits of posts? Currently not possible to edit posts. Reason being that it is possible to reply to posts. Hence edits makes it unclear what was originally replied to. You can however, make a new post as a reply to the post you want to edit. This should accomplish similar effect no?
As a sidenote. Currently topic rooms supports text, images, gifs and peer voice-chat. In the future, short videos and file upload will be supported too. In addition to possible suggestions from users.