>>778427I couldn't run chkdsk on the first partition because there is no drive letter assigned to it. I could only chkdsk the second (false) drive F:, but when I do, it throws up an error and aborts it (wish I took a screenshot). It did identify the filesystem as NTFS, but it would refuse to run. The second partition is false anyway, so it's fine.
I went to GParted and changed the first partition's flags to "Msftdata", then I went into TestDisk and made a boot sector on the first partition. Previously, opening Boot options on the first partition used to have a loading period, going through all the sectors, while the second partition opens up quick. Now that I made a boot sector for the first one, it opens instantly while the second one has to go look through all the sectors.
Rebooting into Windows I now see that the first (true) partition has a letter X:. It is what the drive previously had. I didn't format it before performing ddrescue. At this point the drive is accessible (pic related). I am going to do a chkdsk /f on the X: drive now.
I got myself a new 250gb disk now, so the steps from here should be:
- chkdsk /f X:
- insert new 250gb drive
- format as NTFS
- ddrescue data from partition X: to new disk
- ???
- insert into laptop, profit!
I am sure I'm missing on a few steps, what should I be doing then?
Thank you all for your patience.