Before shutting down and opening Windows 10 to see if I can access the (new) hard disk, I changed the flag of the new partition from 'msftdata' to 'boot' (and 'esp' which came automatically with it) using GParted's functions.
Looking at the results, I cannot access the drive from Windows, and disk management doesn't give a file system meaning it is RAW, yet DISKPART shows the partition as NTFS...
At this point I have two options:
>Run TestDisk to firstly attempt to recover and backup the files, and secondly to try to fix the partition file system>Run CHKDSK as read-only then with /f to try and fix the partition file systemI am very tempted to try chkdsk after reading below thread which seems to be what I meant in the OP. However, I guess I will run with option 1 then go to option 2 after I make a backup of the data. Any other suggestions or better