Hey /wsr/, got a few different requests that I need help with. They're very varied covering different topics. If you can help with any of them I'd appreciate it.
1. A while back, an anon helped me with extracting names from a web page (
https://www.voices.com/talents/search), and provided me with this code to enter in the browser console to do so.
var obj_names = document.getElementsByClassName("search-result-item-talent-name text-ellipsis");
var str_names = "";
for (var i=0; i<obj_names.length; i++)
str_names += obj_names
.innerText + "\n";
This code used to work fine, but now it doesn't output each name onto a new line. It just prints "\n". Any help fixing this please?
2. How do I get into books and reading? I know where to download some books, but what do I choose to read? How do I find stuff I'll like? I like western cartoons and animation, but I don't know if I can find stuff like that in book form since the reading level would be quite low, no?
3. What's a good e-reader on Windows 10 that can open e-pub files? Are there any e readers with built in dictionaries where i can highlight words and it'll show the definition?
Also, what would be a good way to sync progress in a book between devices? Say I read some on my laptop, how would i continue where i left off on my tablet/phone? Is that possible?
4. Can I use one of these in my laptop to direct all my phone audio to come out through my laptop instead? I plug this in to the earphone jack, then plug a 3.5mm cable from this adapter into my phone
Is that how this works?