everyone who can't contribute and instead puts their personal feelings into their non-helpful posts should fuck off because it's not in the spirit of the board
>>>/pol/>>>/b/>>>/s4s/>>>/qa/>>>/r9k/>would a politics-free board be better?who fucking cares
>would a neo-nazi board be better than what OP is requesting?none of our business
>is 4chan better with/without /pol/?not what OP is looking for
try wizardchan OP
everyone there is pretty mature in age (average age is probably at least late 20's)
metal and dark edgy shit is kind of popular
it's almost campy in nature at times and no one takes it too seriously or thinks that the board has something to prove
rather than being a place that has both extremes of the political spectrum, it's a place that indulges in a sort of stoner philosophy
people disagree in the ways to go about thinking of knowledge and such, but only once in a while
shanachan is also pretty neutral if not lefty-leaning (though it moves at less than a tenth of the speed of /wsr/)