>>1262444>I was actually designing a sword for a story I was writing and wanted some inspiration for a sheath from those.Heavy swords were carried as baggage until a situation appeared when they might be used. Then they would be attached to the side of the body in a sheath. Carrying a large sword sheath on the back as seen in anime and manga is not practical and the sword is difficult to draw and may even stab the person trying to draw it.
Only one light novel / manga dealt with this problem of back=mounted swords, and that was "I was reincarnated as a sword". In this case, the sheath mounted on the back also had side clasps on the sheath to allow the sheath to open up sideways so the large heavy sword could be removed that way.
Picrel from manga cover shows the size of the long sword, but as with many sword illustration artists, the details of the sheath were ignored as of little consequence..