I don't think it takes much for even the average Joe to realize 1st world women have it very easy, and can get away with a lot more for far less effort than their peers. Hell, any day on /soc/ taking a look at the replies to brilliant posts like these
>>>30314079>>>30314596can tell you that and make you lose all respect for your fellow anon. The realization is hardly recent, or even Internet specific.
Many boards have a few elements in particular that might have given its own twist compared to the rest of the Internet. The 2014 shitshow really opened the floodgates for politically involved anons, where before there had been much more general disinterest. It also helped solidify the disconnect between anons and mainstream media following the soapboxing of many prominent journalists directly against many of the users here. So there's an important aspect of "fighting the mainstream media narrative" at play as well.
But there's also a bit of a "cesspool of the Internet" effect going on, I suspect. While its anons aren't a hivemind, 4chan has a reputation for being this place where you have edgy opinions. As a result it tends to attract many (failed) normalfags who use the place to vent about women, niggers or whatever and LARP as le edgy 4chan hacker for a while. Exaggerating opinions they have for in-thread validation, while feeling personally comfortable in the fact that they actually don't feel that strongly about the subject IRL and that it's mostly banter. Which only solidifies the reputation further.